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5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies


5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies

When you are hungry, the easiest and quickest thing to do is whip up is a smoothie recipe, isn’t it? However, are you always stocked up on all the ingredients required for your exceptional smoothie? No need to panic if you have run out of ingredients as long as you have a tiny vial of the essential oil. Also, the essential oil will definitely add more flavor to the smoothie. So, go ahead! All essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic liquid. Needless to say, the increased concentration ensures that the oil has an invigorating aroma that envelopes your entire kitchen. Also, you will require only a few drops of the essential oil in the smoothie you will be blending. Here are our 5 best essential oils for smoothies and other recipes that you can stock in your kitchen.

Lemon Oil

5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies by @BlenderBabesLemons are citrus fruits that hoard a host of nutrients, the most abundant being vitamin C. Vitamin C helps boost your immunity. It promotes the production of antibodies to fight off infection by virus and bacteria. Vitamin C also facilitates the quicker burning of stored fats. It, thus, enables you to manage your weight as well. Lemon oils also acts as an excellent astringent for your skin and gets rid of blemishes. Also, lemon’s antibacterial properties protect your skin from infections and breakouts. It can also relieve you of insomnia, stomach ailments, asthma, nausea, and morning sickness during pregnancy. So, the next time you want to make a smoothie with lemon in it and notice you have run out of lemons, just add a few drops of lemon essential oil.

Peppermint Oil

5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies by @BlenderBabesThe peppermint plant is a cross between a spearmint and watermint plant. It is predominantly used for flavoring foods and for adding fragrance in soaps. However, it does find many more oral and topical uses. Peppermint essential oil is derived from the steam distillation of the aerial flowering parts of the plant. It is believed that peppermint oil can relieve digestive problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and constipation, as well as soothe other intestinal problems owing to its antimicrobial properties. It also has the potential to relieve respiratory congestion, relax tensed muscles, and increase concentration. It can freshen up bad breath as well. You can add a few drops of peppermint oil to all your smoothies with mint and skip a trip to the grocery store!

Ginger Oil

5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies by @BlenderBabesGinger is one of the most widely used herbs today. It has been used for its therapeutic value for over 4,700 years. The herbal properties of ginger lie in an oily resin called ‘gingerol’. Gingerol is a highly potent antioxidant that has sooooo many health benefits. It has blood thinning properties that prevent your blood from coagulating, and thus, reduce risks of cardiac arrests. It also cures stomach disorders like dyspepsia, constipation, bloating, and nausea induced by indigestion. Ginger is also known to raise the body temperature and facilitate the breakdown of toxins in your body, and thus boost your immunity. Also, ginger oil can reverse the effects of diabetes. A 2006 study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry stated that ginger could suppress sorbitol accumulation in human blood cells. Simple glucose gets quickly converted to sorbitol among diabetics, and then it does not get converted back easily for energy production. Ginger can not only stop and reverse this process but also prevent such a condition. So, the next time you make yourself an apple-ginger-green smoothie and don’t have any ginger in the house, you can go ahead and add a few drops of good ol’ ginger essential oil.

Orange Oil

5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies by @BlenderBabesOrange oil is found in a multitude of different household items, from soaps and lotions to air fresheners and deodorant. As a food item, oranges are known for their sweet, tangy flavor and abundance of vitamin C, making them a popular ingredient in many baked goods and sweets. While it’s true that the high vitamin C content of oranges makes the oil from this fruit a great resource as a natural antidepressant supplement, orange oil also works as a natural antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory, which is good for relaxing and reducing pain in sore muscles. Whether you’re cooling down after an intense workout or simply relaxing after a long day with an orange banana recovery smoothie, adding a couple drops of orange essential oil is an easy way to make a healthy smoothie.

Grapefruit Oil

5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies by @BlenderBabesGrapefruit oil is more prominently used in aromatherapy. Also, unlike most other essential oils, grapefruit oil is derived by compressing the grapefruit peel, and not the pulp. Grapefruit oil is an effective weight management solution since it can suppress your appetite. It is sometimes added to body lotions to treat acne. It can also reduce oily hair problems owing to its antibacterial properties. Grapefruit is a rich source of antioxidants, and can boost your immunity and fight free radical damage. It is also diuretic, and facilitates the process of flushing out toxins like stored fats, uric acid, and excess sodium from your body. I particularly like adding grapefruit essential oil to sparkling water for quick and easy detox waters since I don’t usually have a whole grapefruit at home.

Grapefruit might be my least favorite fruit for smoothies (I tried to blend the skin once b/c I heard it was good for you. It was the ONLY smoothie recipe I couldn’t save no matter what I added! It was GROSS!!) so you won’t find too many grapefruit smoothie recipes here on Blender Babes, but if you have a favorite let me know and we’ll test it for the site!

Smoothies are great solutions to quick meals as well as post workout energy boosters. Also, with essential oils, it is necessary to practice moderation, check for a high quality and food grade brand of the oil. This is because the oils are concentrated and may cause harm if taken in excessive amounts. Allow your body to absorb the benefits of these essential oils, while you enjoy a delicious smoothie!


Taking essential oils internally that are not marked food grade or generally regarded as safe can be dangerous. Unless otherwise specified, it’s safer to assume that essential oils are not safe to ingest.

DRINK YOUR ESSENTIAL OILS FROM A GLASS. Adding essential oils to a plastic cup can cause the plastic to leach into the water, which can be detrimental to your health.

The post 5 Best Essential Oils for Smoothies appeared first on Blender Babes - Healthy Smoothie Recipes | Blendtec vs Vitamix Reviews.

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